Kodak Tri-X Pan, EI 1600
When I started this blog, I hoped it would become both a venue for discussion and repository for data, related to the use of 510-Pyro. Recently, I was contacted by Jim Byers, a 510-Pyro user interested in push processing. Jim told me he wasn't able to find much information here, or elsewhere, and I suggested he find the information he needed by experimentation, which he did. I am impressed by Jim's logical, and dispassionate approach to finding the answers he sought, using his materials and equipment in both real world, and carefully arranged settings, and his intelligent use of his film scanner for analyzing the results of his experiments.
Thank you, Jim, for your contribution.
Jim's comments:
The 510-Pyro/Tri-X combination at EI 1600 produces surprisingly small grain for a two stop push. In addition it held the highlight detail and the shadow detail extremely well. A very effective two stop push is easily attainable with this combination.
Film: Tri-X 400
EI: 1600
Format: 120 Medium Format
Developer: 510-Pyro
Dilution: 1:100
Time: 18:00
Temp: 20C/68F
Agitation: Rotary
Presoak: 3 minutes water presoak
Fixer: TF-4
When pushing to EI 800 the following time and dilution have been working well:
Film: Tri-X 400
EI: 800
Dilution: 1:100
Time: 11:00
Temp: 20C/68F
Agitation: Rotary
Presoak: 3 minutes water presoak
Fixer: TF-4
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